Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Body Problems In Men

Jakarta, Generally men do not much care what happens to her body. But there are some problems that arise on the male body and sometimes can make them ashamed.

Here are some issues or problems that occur on the male body, as quoted by WebMD, Monday (06/06/2011), namely:

The hair on the back
At the age of mid 20-something years will usually appear in both the hair on his back a little or a lot number. This condition can sometimes make a man become less confident.

Distended abdomen
Men are much easier to accumulate fat around the waist so that trigger a distended abdomen. Unfortunately, these conditions can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes, especially if more than 40 inches.

Excessive sweating
In fact the man will sweat more than women, usually can be seen in the armpits, palms or soles of the feet. In certain circumstances this can be embarrassing.

Bumps due to hair shave
This condition is formed when the hair that grows on the skin curls back into the body and grow in the skin, usually occurs in African-American race. To prevent strokes provide warm water or applying a thick gel before shaving.

Generally, in men's hair will look thinner at the age of 35 years. Emerging pattern baldness starts from the front of the head and continues up to the top of the head. This condition can be caused by several things, one of which is the influence of genetic factors.

Snoring can disturb the sleeping partner and men are more likely to become perpetrators. In most cases snoring is not dangerous, but if it interfere with sleep patterns, you should immediately consult a physician.

Sexual Problems
Most men do not want to discuss sexual issues, but nearly a third of men had experienced it, including decreased libido, premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. Several factors could be the cause such as diabetes, heart disease, neurological conditions, smoking, circulatory disorders and some specific drugs.

Enlarged Prostate
Enlarged prostate or in medical terms is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is enlargement of the gland surrounding the urethra that makes it difficult or painful urination. This condition is generally more common in elderly men.

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

Suburban Outlaw: Michael Philipson and Lewis Stess transplant Miami 'wow'

When I first moved to Rochester nine years ago from Washington, D.C., I came kicking and screaming. D.C. friends said to me, "At least it isn't Cleveland." And I would remark ruefully, "I wish it were Cleveland." Nine years later, I love my new hometown — not only because of the great lack of traffic, but mostly because of the amazing people I've come to know and love: fellow suburban outlaws making a difference in our community with their creativity and ingenuity. I've learned there are cool people everywhere, even in the middle of my cornfield.

Because I'm a transplant, I love meeting other transplants and hearing their stories. Why did you move to Rochester? Did you cry for three years like I did? Most reply they came for work or family. Some cried. Some celebrated.

And then there are people like Michael Philipson and Lewis Stess, who moved from Miami to Rochester because they saw opportunity and a place where they could make an impact. Miami to Rochester? They're either nuts or visionaries.

Lewis and Michael used to be life partners and have remained friends over the years. Michael, originally from tiny Ionia, Ontario County, grew up ringing the church bell as a little boy and playing baseball in the town cemetery (it was that small). When he grew up, he got out. He eventually moved to Miami, where his expertise in design led him to open his own creative agency.

Lewis, a nonprofit executive, visited Rochester years before, when he and Michael were still together, and loved it. When he was ready for a life change, he decided to move here. As he was traversing the job market, he realized that Michael's expertise in design, combined with his expertise in leading nonprofit initiatives, would be the perfect recipe for a new creative agency. And, thus, Michael decided to come, too, and the Philipson Group was born.

Since moving here they've worked with Midtown Athletic Club, the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival and Planned Parenthood. Last month, they produced an extravaganza fundraiser for Lollypop Farm called "Le Barc" at Memorial Art Gallery (I got to participate). Their most ambitious project is the upcoming Greentopia festival planned for High Falls in September.

The business partners say they are tapping into a creative underground in Rochester, finding other people also dreaming big dreams — natives and transplants alike. Their vision is to bring Miami "wow" to the events they produce. And they don't listen when people tell them "they can't do that."

I couldn't help but wonder if they miss all that Miami sun and fun. They responded emphatically that you can't beat the quality of life here or — and this is the most important — Wegmans. But they both admit that there are things they miss about Miami, including cafĂ© con leche, Latin culture and the crazy characters and color.

But if anyone can bring Miami sizzle to chilly Rochester, it's these guys. One volunteer for Greentopia described the duo as members of the "cool pool." Who wouldn't want to jump into a pool named that?